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Schaut euch das neue Ariana Grande Event in VR 360 Grad an. Bewegt dazu euer Handy, oder benutzt die Pfeiltasten. 360° Ariana Grande Fortnite Event – VR – No Commentary – Full Length 🎁 Werde [More]
We react and laugh to the funny vtuber clips YOU sent Evanit0 this time around. Join us as we laugh to some of the funny moments these wonderful vtubers provide! Nagzz Twitch – Rozas [More]
#UE4 #devlog 以前の射撃攻撃同様、自分と敵がお互い移動しあっていると近接攻撃が全然当たらないことがあるので、攻撃の処理を改善。 以前は接近後攻撃、という流れでしたが 改修後は接近し、ある程度の距離になったら接近しつつ攻撃を出す、という形になっています。 これで少しは命中率が上がるといいなあ・・・
Wedding are the joyous, colourful, beautiful celebration that is bride and groom modern meets traditional Indian wedding. I love capturing from different cultures, and learning about the various customs and ceremonies, and Indian weddings are [More]
Well VR Head is amazing, and games in that is stunning, I played Iron Man, in VR its amazing, Planned to post all the chapters here. Do follow if you have time 🙂 #fredyantony #oculusquest2 [More]
Jurassic World: Apatosaurus: O Mundo Jurássico: Apatosaurus VR Experience permite ao espectador, pela primeira vez, ver como se sente na presença e proximidade de um dinossauro vivo e experimentar uma sensação de conexão com [More]