Have you ever had a dream so vivid you knew it had to be real?
David Blaine redefines magic once again for an unprecedented live event at a time when the world could use a positive distraction. Bringing wonder, hope and untethered possibility, David tackles his most ambitious and revolutionary feat yet. Plus, check out the additional bonus footage!
0:00 Dreams Of Flying
3:45 Meet The Team
8:57 The Tech & The Gang
13:43 The Payload
21:18 How It Will Work
24:40 Figuring Out The Physics
30:28 How To Breathe
40:43 Prep Time
49:37 Skydiving
55:00 Prepping For Launch
1:15:00 Prep Continues
1:25:51 Carry On Prepping
1:36:42 Almost Launch Time
1:45:41 Nail Biting Time
1:49:52 Counting Down
1:55:38 David Launches
2:07:57 Strapping On The Parachute
2:20:13 Purging
2:28:27 Class A Airspace
2:43:26 Ready To Jump
2:48:57 Looking To Land
2:51:10 Touchdown
This production was filmed in strict accordance with all CDC and OSHA Covid protocols and safety guidelines including testing, social distancing, use of PPE, quarantining, disinfecting and good hygiene practices.
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