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茨城県水郷県民の森に行ってみた! 吊り橋があって、その吊り橋の欄干にトンボが留まっていたので撮影してみた!そして怖かったが、吊り橋を渡ってみた! 180度3DVR oculus go! I went to Suigo Kenmin no Mori in Ibaraki Prefecture! There was a suspension bridge, and I saw a dragonfly on the railing of the suspension bridge, so I took a [More]
細長い魚が浮いていたので撮影してみた! 180度3DVR oculus go! An elongated fish was floating, so I took a picture! 180 degree 3DVR oculus go!
暴風雨が吹き荒れる中、港へ行ってみた! 180度3DVR oculus go! I went to the harbor while the storm was blowing! 180 degree 3D VR oculus go!
小雨の降る中、タンカー・タグボート・クレーン船を撮影してみた! 180度3DVR oculus go! I took a picture of a tanker, a tugboat, and a crane vessel while it was raining lightly! 180 degree 3D VR oculus go!
公園の人工池に水陸両用ラジコンカーを浮かべ走らせたら、水草に絡まってしまった。管理の人に断って、裸足になり池に入りラジコンカーを救出! 車軸にたくさんの草が絡まっていた! 180度3DVR oculus go! When I floated an amphibious radio-controlled car in an artificial pond in the park, I got entangled in aquatic plants. I refused to the manager and went barefoot into the pond [More]